Albio's Webpage


Hello. This is my website. I have two other areas on the web with my name on them. I also helped a friend develop her site. Oh well. Now, if you will, please direct your attention to the links below. One goes somewhere, the other goes somewhere else. Now play nice and have fun.

Oh, and before you leave, look at my second page

These are links to my other sites on the web. Yes I know there are one or two broken links on th pages. I'll fix them as soon as I can.

This is my first attept at web making. The one I update the most.
My second site. Not very good.

Oh yes. I almost forgot. You probably want to know how many people have come here before. Well, you are visitor number

Hey, hey, hey! This page ain't finished yet! Pull up a chair! Ok. I'm sitting here typing up this text, right? And then, BOOM! Something hit's my door, makes a hole in it and goes out the wall on the opposite side. Ok, at that time, I'm thinking, OH MY GOD!!. What the hell is going on. Like two seconds after the first rock, (well I think it was a rock) another one hits. Like what is happening?!?! Well. You won't believe me when I tell you this, but I'll tell you anyways. Something hits my wall on the other side of the room and it's some guy in a cape. Yeah, yeah. I know. You don't belive me. Stop rolling your eyes. Well, anyways, he carries me out (running. not flying) via the hole he made in my wall and carries me a block. Then he puts on my feet, says good bye. and runs away. I would've chased him except I had to call the fire departement. The rock things must have broke a gas pipe or something and my computer and stuff were still on. So I get this fire. Well. I wonder who this caped guy is. I'm telling you. I'm almost positive this happened. In my dreams at the very least. It's not like I just made it up on the spot while trying to think of something to write. Seriously. I didn't! Well...fine. I admit it! I really did make it up just now. Hope you liked the story though.

E-mail me.

Last updated July 11, 1998. At least.